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A Looming Past is a documentary of the non-profit organisation Foundation to Aid Industrial Recovery (FAIR) India, which weaves together a multi-layered narrative of the lives of traditional coarse blanket weavers in a small southern Indian village in Karnataka State, Yaravarahalli. 

Afghan Communities in Delhi, co-published by the Centre for Community Knowledge (CCK) in India and HAB, shares words in the Dari dialect and English that emerged from conversations with Afghans in Delhi.

Asian Diaspora in The Hague (Aziatische Diaspora in Den Haag) is a brief encounter into the world of those who have crossed many physical and mental borders in order to call The Hague their home. It is a collaborative effort between HAB and Leiden University College (LUC), The Hague. A quick search for the words toko (‘shop’ in Bahasa Indonesia) and roti (‘flat bread’ in Hindi) on a Google map of the city will reveal the neighbourhoods or locations of family-owned shops and restaurants belonging to Asian immigrants settled here.

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Blue Alchemy: Stories of Indigo (2016) is an independent documentary film, funded by Women Make Films, a non-profit media organization. It was filmed in India, Japan, Bangladesh, Mexico, El Salvador, Nigeria, and the USA. It showcases the historical and geographic spread of indigo, both as a dye and as an idea.

Raymond Williams was a Welsh novelist, literary critic and political theorist whose work laid the foundation for cultural studies.  According to Maurice Cowling, Williams along with Eric Hobsbawm, and E. P. Thompson were the chief agents of the transformation that took place in British intellectual Left from 1965 to 1985.

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This video was produced by Vettiver Collective, an activist group, in Chennai, India. It is intended to bring to the awareness of the state government and civil society the need to safeguard the delicate ecosystem of the Ennore creek, a backwater located in Ennore Chennai, 20 km north of the city centre and 2.6 km south of the Ennore Port.

John Dewey remains an influential philosopher and thinker today. This seminal book along with his other works like My Pedagogic Creed (1897), The School and Society (1900), The Child and the Curriculum (1902) and Experience and Education (1938) lays the groundwork for so much of the progressive thinking around education that has happened over the last century, especially in North America.

DeSchooling Society was the first book of the 20th century iconoclast, Ivan Illich. Though he was born in Vienna, he became a Roman Catholic priest and spent most of his life working in Puerto Rico and Mexico.

Julius Nyerere (1922-1999) was a Tanzanian anti-colonial activist, educator, politician and political theorist who served as Tanzania's first president from 1964 to 1985. A proponent of African nationalism and African socialism as a result of his time as a teacher and his study of history and political economy, he promoted the political philosophy of Ujamaa ('fraternity' in Swahili) in Tanzanian legislature following Tanzania's independence from the British.

As part of the oral history work and engagement with local communities in the rural periphery of Delhi of Ambedkar University Delhi's Centre for Community Knowledge (CCK), this illustrated book for young people titled Ghummanhera: Our Beautiful Village - Stories from Delhi's Rural Belt is a story of Ghummanhera village as told by eleven-year old Ananya who visits her grandparents there. Villages like Ghummanhera are undergoing rapid change alongside growing connections with the metropolis.

In this co-authored working paper for the Shaping Asia Research Network of Bielefeld and Heidelberg Universities, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) Director Philippe Peycam and HAB Academic Director Aarti Kawlra share their thoughts on implementing HAB as an initiative of the IIAS, with the goal of invigorating the Humanities with civic-minded pedagogies grounded in local experience, alongside university par