HAB, in collaboration with the Institute of African Studies (IAS) at the University of Ghana and the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA), Taiwan present the ‘Indigo as Pedagogy' International Field School in Ghana.
Over the course of 5 days, faculty, communities of practice (indigo craft practitioners who are indigenous knowledge experts) and students from Ghana, Taiwan and French West Africa will collaborate together in the co-production of knowledge regarding indigo. Building off of the HAB collaborative method used to develop the "Indigo and Shared Heritage" elective course for TNUA, students and faculty will have the chance to experience firsthand how indigo is used in Ghana, while local communities and practitioners have the opportunity to see the global context of their local practice.
As part of the field school, participants take part in a combination of field trips and local dialogue forums around Ghana:
- Two day field trip to Northern Ghana (Daboya), the indigo craft community to engage with practitioners, observe indigo harvesting and dyeing and hold local discussions on the pedagogical value of Indigo. This will help faculty and students to immerse themselves into local indigo practices.
- Two-day field trip to the Museum of Natural & Cultural Heritage at Shai Hills which serves as an interface for dialogue between academics and practitioners to hold discussions about indigo as a community heritage and the impacts of globalisation on the local craft industry.
- One-day Round table discussions to be held at the IAS, University of Ghana for recollection/reflection.
To read more about the field school, see our blog post "Engaging with Indigo: Reflections on the "Indigo as Pedagogy" International Field School".
Enrico Joaquin Lapuz
Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana