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Staying at Home Around a Board Game (1)


Today, we have been self- confined for over a month. When I wake up, as I do every morning, I take a little walk on Twitter. Today I came across this tweet from the official account of the First Lady of Senegal, Marième Faye Sall. You can see on the post the sentence « Togg Leen Seen Keur » (stay home in wolof) followed by the hashtag #FaaxasCovid19 (#getoffcovid19). There are also three photos of the first lady, the president and one of their sons, dressed in casual clothes, playing Ludo, a popular board game in Senegal. The comments under this tweet are very diverse. Some see it as a way of communication to support the fight against the Covid19 and analyse with a certain coldness all the objects and signs they think they see in these photos (the masks, the disinfectant liquid, the prayer beads prominently displayed, the intimacy of the family space, etc.). But others, in a more emotional way, find these photos either touching (the president as a responsible family man and setting a good example) or worrying (the president, in this period of very serious health crisis, has time to "play"). There are also some jokers who argue that it is the first lady who is in control of the country in the same way that she has all the remote controls (air conditioning and TV) and others finally, who see signs of Masonic, including on the board with the two horses.

Linguistic translation

Togg Leen Seen Keur, meaning "stay home" in Wolof and the #FaaxasCovid19 is the Wolof equivalent of #getoffcovid19.

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