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Rice Play Song (1)

Video file

This is a play song from Kokrajar, Assam, India. Elders enact this with the children. The rough translation of the song is:

Rice cook … cook… cook…

Curry cook … cook… cook

Will you eat … will you eat … will you eat?

Keep for dinner also okay?


Lets go to plant rice now

Let’s make alli now

Let’s break alli

Let’s plant plant


Now let’s go to catch crabs from the holes

No way this side…no way that side… what about this side jogo…jogo…jogo!

Linguistic translation

Alli: refers to the rectangular boundaries made in the paddy field to keep the water in the field. 

catch crabs: crabs are found in burrows of the fields

Credits / copyrights

Dharitri Narzary

Video contains
(Partial) Date


Site of knowledge & meaning
Feeling & motive


I was surprised to see how the moment I enacted it, people immediately related to the song and came up with their own versions representing community rice 'world view'!

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