tea-related knowledge

Knowledge Sharing for Tea Branch Trimming

To increase knowledge, when trimming a branch, leave about one or two branches of the tea tree and cut all the remaining branches to a height of 16 inches or 22 inches from the ground. Annual branch trim increases yield. As it is a branched plant, it produces more sprouts. fermented tea prefers sprouts, so the more beautiful the sprouts, the higher the price. The branching method should be taught that it is a 100% safe method without plant death. A 40-years-old- secretary of the Palaung Tea Producers and Sellers Association said:

Picking style

Tea pickers mainly use their thumb and index fingers, which are stained black from the repeated exposure to tannin from the tea leaves. To avoid this, the pickers now use gloves. For storing the picked tea leaves, tea pickers mostly use wicker baskets called paline in Burmese. After the paline are filled with tea leaves, they are brought back down from the tea hills on a shoulder yoke. Tea picking starts from sunrise and continues through until sunset. 

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