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Souvenirs from U Pein Bridge


There are many souvenir shops near the U Pein Bridge. In the west side of  U Pein Bridge, we found souvenir shops selling hats, bags and cotton clothes and  there are many shops, visitors and restaurants than the east side.

The handy crafts made of the seeds of "Awayyar-အဝေရာ" (Leucaenaglauca Benth) are also sold as souvenirs at the U Pein Bridge.  The children are also helping their parents to sell such handy crafts. They make the purse, sling bag, key holders with the seeds. They buy the seeds of "Awayyar" from Umin Thonze Pagoda, Sagaing Hill, Sagaing Region. After buying the green seeds they dry the seeds and the color of the seeds becomes brown. Once the seeds are dried, they are steamed and then they are stringed with a needle to shape them as the purse, sling bag, key holders and so on. Then the seeds are sprayed with oil once not to become mouldy. The flowers called "Meze- မယ်ဇယ်ပန်း" (Madhuca longifolia) are also sold in that place. The flowers are dried and eaten as a traditional medicine. When we say about U pein Bridge, it will not be perfect  without saying about Meza flowers and Awayyar handy crafts which could not be found in other places.

Mandalay University
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