Accession cards

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    Family and women: Leiden and Mali

    The family is a social institution. It is beautiful to see a mother and her children together because it reflects the natural love and the affectability that exists between her and her offsprings. In Leiden, the parental concept is very visible in the streets because it is found that the parents and their children are at the edge of a bicycle (the parents and their children: case where all drive together; the case where the mother also pilot alone). Education is one of the priorities of the population of this city of the Netherlands.

    The Emerald Green Scarf

    Vinitha Jayaprakasan, Research Assistant, Centre for Community Knowledge, Ambedkar University Delhi wrote The Emerald Green Scarf as part of the workshop session on Reading/Writing/Re-writing/Telling/Re-telling using prompts, 20 December 2019.

    Staying at Home Around a Board Game (2)

    Around the meal, I discussed this post ( with my family members, our perceptions and interpretations were just as diverse as what I had read in the comments. We did agree on one thing, however: to add "board games" to the list of activities we had drawn up to facilitate confinement. Finally, and after this interesting discussion around the bowl, we chose another game - monopoly, because the Ludo is limited to 4 players. From that day on, the confinement time seemed less long and less boring to us.

    Rice Play Song (1)

    This is a play song from Kokrajar, Assam, India. Elders enact this with the children. The rough translation of the song is:

    Rice cook … cook… cook…

    Curry cook … cook… cook

    Will you eat … will you eat … will you eat?

    Keep for dinner also okay?


    Lets go to plant rice now

    Let’s make alli now

    Let’s break alli

    Let’s plant plant


    Now let’s go to catch crabs from the holes

    No way this side…no way that side… what about this side jogo…jogo…jogo!