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Place-based pedagogies, University of Mandalay (4)


In order to link the classroom with the real world for the course of Urban Anthropology, our department decided to interact with the community elders to find out about the Taunghtaman Village Tract. 

Our group met the village head and community elders of Taunghtaman Village in the village administrator’s office. The elders shared that nowadays most school children who grow up in Taungthaman do not know much about their home village and don't cherish it; and because of this, they are forgetting their cultural heritage.

This led me to ask a larger question - “what is the impact of urban life on Taungthaman Village Tract, Amarapura Township, which was included in Mandalay City Development Committee in 2011?”  In the classroom I and my students set about to explore this.  

University of Mandalay
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Myanmar (Burma)

Site of knowledge & meaning
Feeling & motive