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Learning To Be an Anthropologist (2)


When we went to the field to collect oral histories or stories or experiences of U Pein Bridge, we did not know how to explain our tasks or talk about them. Our group then applied what we had observed the foreign anthropologist do -  smile and make eye contact. We adopted this when we spoke to a fried-fish seller who we first thought may know about something of the U Pein Bridge. First, we bought a pack of fried fish with 2000 Kyat before asking her about U Pein bridge. So, we used our money to get data and we were very happy. Unfortunately, she could not answer our queries but recommended her father who is about 72 years old and has many experiences and stories to share about Taungthaman village. However, he was at his house at that time which was within fifteen minutes walking distance from U Pein bridge. We then connected this with our class lesson about the patience that an anthropologist should have. We did not turn down this chance and ran to meet the father of the fried-fish seller because we were running out of time. Once we reached the house, he eagerly shared the following story related with U-Pein bridge.  we arrived at his house, he is about 72-year-old and he was eagerly to explain his knowledge related to the history of U Pein Bridge to to us.

To read the narration by the father of the fired-fish seller click on the References below

Credits / copyrights

Observations from the field by Group 4: Htet Kaung Khant, Kadaw LaKkawng, Thet Htoo Aung, Kaung Sithu, and Nyan Linn Htet

University of Mandalay
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(Partial) Date

Myanmar (Burma)

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