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Giving Healthy Food Awareness to the School Children


Giving healthy food awareness to the school children in Taungthaman village

After 2011, Amarapura Township was included in the boundary of the Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC), transportation is very easy to go to downtown of Mandalay City and different designs, package of unhealthy snacks can be bought with cheap price in every grocery shops and betel-quid shops of the village. The parents themselves feed only unhealthy snacks to their children when the children go to the school every day. In the village, there are different kinds of local snacks such as milk rice, Mount-phet-htout made by glutinous rice dough, suffered with sugar and coconut shreds, packed in banana leaves and streamed, Kauk-nyin-htout made by glutinous rice with bean are mixed and packed toddy palm leaves and streamed them for long hours. However, the school children do not have awareness of health food.

So, we would like to give awareness to those of school children and we started to feed local snack with banana packed snacks after we taught them about the village’s cultural heritage. Meanwhile, we explained them to be aware of food hygiene compared with local snack and other snacks with plastic package and to be careful to choose the healthy one. Moreover, how much health and hygiene is important for everyone are explained them.  


University of Mandalay
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Taungthaman village
Myanmar (Burma)

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