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The Future of Luntaya Acheik Design

The Future of Luntaya Acheik Design
The Future of Luntaya Acheik Design

I interviewed one of the weavers about the customer preferences in the design of luntaya acheik .

I want to weave this design (as shown in the pictures) but I don’t do it. I don’t weave this design because the customers don’t like it. If I make it then I will have to sell it at a discount. But some customers from abroad often order older or traditional designs like this.

Almost all the customers from Myanmar buy popular and new designs. If they wear the older designs, they believe they have overpaid  and since it is outdated, it won’t be beautiful. They are not interested. They don’t know the seven elementary designs and the thirty-three ropes which should be included while drawing the designs for luntaya acheik because of their own interests in the new designs.

University of Mandalay
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(Partial) Date

Myanmar (Burma)

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