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The Changes of Value on Time


The orange-lined text in the figure is a decree which was issued by King Bodawphaya (1782-1819) in Konebaung dynasty. The original text of it has not been found until now. This is an excerpt from the article written by Ms. Nu Nu Kyi who wrote in Saunders Weaving Institute’100 anniversary magazine. In a decree, the lay men from the different regions had to wear pasoe (the nether garment of Myanmar males) by weaving cotton and satin threads only. Moreover, they didn’t allow wearing the turban, nether garment, and shawl which make with gold and silver threads with a fly shuttle loom. These silk garments (luntaya acheik) were allowed only for king, queen, son, and daughter. When the king’s old fabric acheik was awarded it as a gift to the other people, they could wear this acheik. Anyone found wearing these garments was arrested and sentenced. Before sentencing, the acheik giver and wearer were three strokes powerfully and were sent to the authority.

Due to the above-mentioned facts, this acheik was allowed to wear the royal family during the Konbaung dynasty. Now, it can be worn everyone due to the changes of political and economic regimes. However, the price of a garment is $ 300-2400 and it can only be worn by those who can afford it. Some people have replaced to wear the fake fabrics such as printed acheik, computerized floral acheik.  This acheik costs $ 40-200 per one.

University of Mandalay
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Myanmar (Burma)

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