Mi-Lan Woudstra
My mother’s father is Chinese which makes me 25% Chinese. I always loved to dance. I did classical ballet, street dance (competitions), and salsa. After high school I became a dance teacher. I however still wanted to study at a university. Because of my Chinese heritage I decided to study Chinese language and culture at Leiden University. After graduating I picked up my dance lessons and started my own dance classes, but I still wanted to do a master as well. Because my love for (teaching) children I applied for the master Education and child studies at Leiden University. During my master I developed interest in research. After my master I first worked as a research assistance, then as the assistant of professor Mesman, and finally became a PhD-candidate (and teacher) at Leiden University in a research project about the transition to parenthood in first time parents in NL, UK, US, and China. Now I’m combining my love for research, (the development of) children, teaching, and my Chinese background.
Interests/Skills: Photography/video, teaching, dancing, coordinating