Hsiao-Chi Chu
Hsiao-Chi Chu is an interdisciplinary practitioner devoted to social change, humanitarian action and development. She finished her MA in Migration and Diaspora Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK. Currently, she is study PhD in the Program in Cultural Heritage and Arts Innovation Studies, TNUA, Taiwan. Since 2009, she has integrated her professional skills across art/culture, education, migration/refugee and development studies into a working methodology and led multiple community-based engagement programs and participatory action research (PAR) in Taiwan, Mongolia, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Cambodia, especially in development, migration/refugee and PTSD issues. Her participatory approach in the field is based on the materials from a daily basis, such as food or textile. Currently, she is working as an international development specialist supervising the programs for children, youth, families and communities and has drafted the Participatory Development (PD) framework for the fieldwork.
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