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Chandni Ananth

I joined college for a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology with every intention of staying in the field, but found myself on a different path when I completed my course. For three years, I worked as an editorial assistant at a literary publishing house in Calcutta which specialized in translated literature. I learnt how to edit, proofread, typeset, design, make great coffee and, most importantly, I understood the importance of translating ideas across languages and boundaries.

Currently, I work as a freelance editor, always trying to find ways to combine my love for (studying) people, languages and literature. In my free time, I’m learning French and trying to reacquaint myself with my first language, Tamil.

For Humanities across Borders, I’ll be managing the blog. In addition to keeping everyone up to date on the projects and encouraging conversations across borders, I’m hoping to build upon the resources available on the site, and find effective ways to showcase and present the work being done across the world to a larger audience.