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The Indigo Factory (2024)

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The Indigo Factory is a journey through the rich tapestry of indigo-making and subsequent processing into fabric, layered with India’s colonial history that transformed an artisanal occupation into mass production in factories.  

The documentary, a project of the non-profit organisation Foundation to Aid Industrial Recovery (FAIR) India, is a homage to the legacy of indigo. This dye has coloured our world in shades of deep blue for centuries. The process of making indigo dye is an art form passed down through generations. It begins with the careful planting of seeds, followed by the meticulous harvesting of leaves, which are then fermented in large vats to extract the precious dye.  The dye is then used to colour the yarn, spun into thread and woven into fabric. Despite the advent of synthetic dyes, the indigo-making and handloom weaving traditions continue to support the livelihoods of many and stand as a testament to sustainable practices in a world leaning towards organic and natural products.  It is a legacy that continues to dye the threads of the present with the colours of the past, ensuring that the story of India’s ‘blue gold’ lives on.