Dr Rakhee Kalita Moral, Cotton University
Where Women Make Another Tribe
Cotton University marked the international women's day this March 8 th with a symposium by women faculty researchers who have undertaken projects within and outside the university.
A highlight of this academic event was the presentation of the research undertaken in the Humanities Across Borders IIAS-Mellon program (2016-2020) now partnered by Cotton University under the India platform with a project on NE India led by Dr Rakhee Kalita Moral, Associate Professor of English. Her work on Mobilities in Naga Hills and Assam borderlands called " Where Women Make Another Tribe" is a work that looks at mobilities of rural and borderland women who have striven for their spaces of freedom and equality both in the community and within the provisions enshrined by the state. The method employed here is to capture hidden voices or recover silences and oral testimonies that narrate these stories of agency and intervention by women in remote, farflung hills and borderlands. An outcome of this project is to be able to bring in pedagogic intervention and transform curricular goals by introducing beyond the classroom and outside the textbook peadgogic content that is embedded in the life of the community , in their word and everyday practices, which seamlessly tie lives with learning in the university. In the process HaB also bridges regions and races through convergences in their outlook across borders and via the strong networks of connected universities , thus establishing inter-university domains in Asia and Africa.
Cotton University
Guwahati 781001