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Ritus Liyan/Mundane Rites Exhibition Catalogue - Kampung Plampitan, Surabaya (2024)


The Ritus Lyan/Mundane Rites exhibition catalogue is an anthology of writings and photographs, documenting the artistic processes and works of urban researchers, activists, artists, and curators, alongside the inhabitants of kampung Plampitan, an inner-city urban settlement in Surabaya, Indonesia from March to July 2024. 

The exhibition was the outcome of reciprocal interactions and gradual strengthening of existing ties with the residents of Plampitan, showcase how facilitating bridges like the HAB programme and the Airlangga Institute for Indian Ocean Crossroads (AIIOC) can act between academia and society. The artworks (ranging from media installations, illustrations, and performance art) situated themselves in the context of Plampitan's history and cultural rituals with a research focus of perceiving the kampung as a counter-discourse and space of resistance to the dominant urban development paradigm.

Download the full PDF copy of the catalogue here.