Street sign along the kampung that indicates the borders of Plampitan and a photograph of the neighborhood in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Photo Credit: Aarti Kawlra (2024)
Kampung (Neighbourhood) Art Workshop, Surabaya, Indonesia
HAB partner, the Airlangga Institute of Indian Ocean Crossways (AIIOC) recently organized and hosted "Ritus Lyan" an Urban Art Workshop, that brought together local architects, artists, urban designers, and scholars to collaborate with the residents of kampung (neighborhood) Plampitan in the Indonesian port city of Surabaya.
Over the course of five days, the participants, who were selected through an open call, immersed themselves in the everyday life of the kampung, to discover the many ingenuities hidden under the seemingly mundane facade of this dense inner-city urban locality. The workshop was a critical engagement into the settled stories of places, practices, things, events and history of the neighbourhood, in collaboration with the residents. The shared experience from this immersion and research are necessarily dynamic, incomplete, and even random, and underscore the kampung as a ‘living archive’ (Stuart Hall, 2001).
The eight artistic projects, or creative responses, initiated at this workshop will culminate in a co-produced exhibition to be held on location in kampung Plampitan, later in May 2024.
Anitha Silvia, Indonesia Netaudio Forum and Kwangsan Kunstkring, Surabaya
Ayos Purwoaji, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Surabaya
Bintang Putra, Operations for Habitat Studies, Surabaya
Aarti Kawlra, IIAS, Leiden
Lina Puryanti, AIIOC, Surabaya
Pingki Ayako Saputro, Tambak Bayan Art Institute (ISTB), Surabaya
Kenny Hartanto, Artist, Surabaya
Muhammad Abdul Aziz, Cultural Anthropology Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Ryan Herdiansyah, Artist, Surabaya
Lutfiah Setyo Cahyani, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang
Fildzah Amalia, University of Glasgow School of Social & Environmental Sustainability, Surabaya
Tasyha Febrycha Valentine, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
Gata Mahardika, Artist & ICAS 13 Committee, Gresik
East Java
Anitha Silviaanithasilvia@gmail.com
Ayos Purwoaji ayospe@gmail.com
Bintang Putrabintang.chairul.putra@gmail.com
Enrico Joaquin Lapuz e.j.lapuz@iias.nl