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HaB Mid-Term Meeting in Amsterdam, October 2018: A Recap

On 20–21 October, the HaB group met in Amsterdam to discuss and workshop HaB syllabi on the themes of food, word, practice and place. 

By Cheryl Jacob

The day began with IIAS director Philippe Peycam welcoming the PIs and outlining the aims and modalities of the meeting. Following this, PIs Surajit Sarkar, Liling Huang and Abdourahmane Seck made they syllabus presentations, each of which was followed by a round of feedback from the participants. The morning session concluded with lunch.

The afternoon session opened with a presentation from Rakhee Kalita Moral, followed by Kojo Opoku Aidoo. Erik de Maaker, Malee Sitthikriengkrai and Mohomodou Houssouba presented their working draft of a rice syllabus, followed by presentations from Jeroen de Kloet and Chayan Vaddhanaphuti. 

This was followed by Rita Padawangi presenting a Manual for Instructors, and Thomas Voorter discussing the new HaB website and plans for a digital storytelling workshop at ICAS in July 2019. 

Front row from left: Surajit Sarkar, Rita Padawangi, Aarti Kawlra, Malee Sitthikriengkrai, Françoise Vergès, Rakhee Kalita, Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Liling Huang, Xiaolan Lin 
Back row from left: Paul Rabé, Thomas Voorter, Kojo Aidoo, Abdourahmane Seck, Mohomodou Houssouba, Jereoen de Kloet, Philippe Peycam, Erik de Maaker, Erica van Bentem

Based on the presentation, the feedback and discussions, the HaB team agreed on the need for a set of guidelines for drafting syllabi. The day wrapped up with dinner at Saravana Bhavan, a South Indian restaurant chain.