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ICAS 11: Roundtable: Digital Storytelling Workshop 1 & 2: Humanities Across Borders Archive in the Making

16 Jul 2019

The 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) is the most inclusive international gathering in the field of Asian Studies. ICAS attracts participants from over 75 countries to engage in global dialogues on Asia that transcend boundaries between academic disciplines and geographic areas. The meeting place for the eleventh edition of ICAS is Leiden, the Netherlands. The historic city of Leiden is home to one of the oldest universities, Leiden University, and several of the most renowned Asia research centers. Leiden University will be the main host of ICAS 11, partnering with the city, research institutions and museums, who share equally rich Asian and global connections.

Events will include: panels and roundtable discussions, keynote speeches, craft exhibitions, a film and documentary festival and the second Asian Studies Book Fair. With all these activities ICAS is contributing to the decentering of Asian Studies by including more ‘Asian voices’ while successfully convening a global space in which Asia scholars and social and cultural actors from the whole world can directly interact. Participate at ICAS 11 and enjoy the multitude of networking opportunities, possibilities to share your research and to meet with publishers.

ICAS 11 will be held at the Law Faculty Building and Lipsius Building of Leiden University from 16-19 July 2019. It will be organized by the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University and GIS Asie (French Academic Network for Asian Studies). More than 2000 Asia specialists and representatives of civil society are expected to attend.

For full schedule, visit:

Location: Kamerlingh Onnes A0.51

This Roundtable in workshop format brings together field researchers and media managers associated with various projects across the Humanities across Borders: Asia and Africa in the World (HaB) programme ( of the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, to discuss the various types of data collected so far and to work towards integrating different digital archiving and web techniques into what could be referred to as an HaB archive in-the-making. 

From oral histories and visual narratives of settlement and dispossession, following craft techniques and practice-based transmission of knowledge, exploring words as vehicles of meaning and mobilities, to exploring ecologies of food practices in urban settings, knowledge-practices are analytical tools of research conducted under the HaB program. The workshop will explore the potential of creating an online repository and knowledge sharing forum across HaB’sgeographies in Taiwan, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Senegal. 

The digital portal will archive, ecologies of lived experiences along HaB’s four sites of knowledge and meaning – place, practice, word and food – and also allow for new sites to emerge. Highlighting the experiential domain, the archive will help in the creation of in situ curricula and pedagogies anywhere in academic and non-academic practice. Workshop participants will receive training on using word, sound, image and mapping tools to record and share their work on the HaB platform. 

Roundtable Convenor(s)

Aarti Kawlra -International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands

Surajit Sarkar - Ambedkar University Delhi, India

Thomas Voorter -International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands


Bruno Diomaye Faye - Université Gaston Berger, Senegal

Fidelia Ametewee - University of Ghana, Ghana

Karim Diallo - Institut des Sciences Humaines, Mali

Grégoire Kaboré - CNRST/INSS, Burkina Faso

Mesha Murali - Centre For Community Knowledge, India

Maria Zwanenburg - Independent Scholar, Netherlands

Su Sandy Htay - University of Yangon, Myanmar

Malee Sitthikriengkrai - Chiang Mai University, Thailand

Baba Coulibaly - Institut des Sciences Humaines, Mali

Jocelyne Vokouma - Intitut des Sciences des Sociétés, Burkina Faso

Win Win Soe - University of Mandalay, Myanmar

Mi-Lan Woudstra - Leiden University, Netherlands

Cheryl Jacob - International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands

Calvin Hung - National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Orraya Chawnan – Chiang Mai University


Leiden University
Kamerlingh Onnes A0.51
2311 EZ Leiden