Soumya Jayanti, Kashmere Gate Campus, Ambedkar University Delhi, India (2018)
Call for Submissions - Campus Speaks: a digital media arts competition
Leiden University's International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS) and Building Other Forms of Communicating the Academy (BOCA) project, invite submissions from university campuses around the world for Campus Speaks: a digital media arts competition.
Take a walk along your campus with a camera, a sketchbook, or search your university archives for photographs and audio-video clips of events, posters, murals and graffiti.
16 winning entries will receive a prize and an invitation to share their work in the digital storytelling repository of the Humanities Across Borders programme of the IIAS.
Submission Guidelines
To view the submission guidelines and submit an entry, please click on the QR code or click on any one of our submission forms below:
English (https://bit.ly/habcampusspeaks)
Portuguese (https://bit.ly/habcampusspeakspt)
Spanish (https://bit.ly/habcampusspeakses)
The deadline for submissions is August 10, 2024.
By submitting your media files, you agree to its online publication into the Humanities Across Borders digital storytelling repository. Please check any copyright information and ensure that you have sought permission from the photographer.
For questions, please email Enrico Joaquin Lapuz at e.j.lapuz@iias.nl.

Campus Speaks (English Poster)

El Campus Habla (Spanish Poster)

O Campus Fala (Portuguese Poster)