Mo Mo Thant
Dr Mo Mo Thant is the professor and Head of History Department at the Yangon University of Distance Education (Myanmar). She attained her BA (1984) and MA (1990), Degrees from Mandalay University and a PhD at the University of Yangon (2002). She is a member of the Governing Board of SEAMEO CHAT : Regional Centre for History and Tradition. Her research area is Social History, in particular religion in Myanmar, with a special interest in women and religion. She has conducted research on the Social life of Migrants Oilfield workers in Magwe Region now. She has nine publications in the research journals of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Yangon University of Distance Education and SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition and five international publications including at the University of Passau, Germany at the Centre for Bharat Studies in Mahidol University in Thailand and at the Institute for Southeast Asian Studies in Korea. She has authored text books and references for secondary school, as well as texts and study guides for the Distance Education students on Myanmar Social History and History of the United States. She is a member of history curriculum Development Committee. She frequently presents on different history topics on the dedicated education channel of MRTV. She had supervised MA and PhD Dissertations and served as an external examiner at Yangon and Mandalay Universities and the National Defence Collage in Naypyitaw. She was a DAAD visiting research fellow at the Comparative Religion department at Bonn University, Germany. Dr Mo Mo Thant was research fellow at the Central European University, Department of Gender Studies in 2016.